This Implementation Package (iPack) is a self-contained package aimed at facilitating and guiding appropriate State authorities in the implementation of a risk-based, collaborative approach to managing cargo safety.
It includes relevant documentation, tools and courses to facilitate implementation of new cargo compartment safety provisions that emphasize the need to address hazards associated with the transport of items in the cargo compartment, including dangerous goods, as part of the State safety programme (SSP) and the operator's safety management systems (SMS). A dedicated expert will work remotely with the appropriate State authorities, providing guidance in their implementation efforts to achieve the objectives of the iPack. The level of progress made in achieving each iPack objective depends on the availability of States’ resources to perform the work.
The goal of this iPack is to facilitate and guide personnel at the State level with competencies to establish and maintain components of a cargo safety programme to support the safe operation of aircraft. The competencies developed will be integral to the effective implementation of a State safety programme.
After having successfully deployed this iPack, the appropriate State authorities will be better equipped to:
- incorporate cargo safety, including dangerous goods, into the State safety programme (SSP);
- identify the competencies required to enable inspectors and managers to fulfil their roles and responsibilities to manage the safe transport of cargo and build the appropriate capacities;
- evaluate an operator's capability to safely transport cargo by air including dangerous goods;
- apply safety management principles to assure safety of operations related to the transport of air cargo including dangerous goods; and
- develop a positive safety culture within the State’s air cargo transport sector.
The target audience of this iPack comprises appropriate State authorities whose employees perform, contribute to or manage operations associated with or influential to the safe carriage of goods on aircraft, including the transport of dangerous goods.
- Expertise:
- A dedicated subject matter expert for an expected duration of 20 workdays over a period of three months, providing remote support to appropriate State authorities in achieving in achieving the iPack Objectives.
- Training:
- Air Cargo Safety Management: Virtual Classroom – 12 participants for a duration of 30 hours
– Total number of training slots: 12
- Documents:
- ICAO Annexes
- Guidance material
Cost: TBD
* Additional seats for training as well as expert workdays can be provided at an additional cost.
The Expressions of Interest Online Form should be submitted on behalf of a State entity or industry Organization wishing to obtain more information on iPacks, their benefits and deployment process.