No document libraries specified.

Fourth North American, Central American and

Caribbean Working Group Meeting (NACC/WG/4)

Ottawa, Canada, 24-28 March 2014


Order of Business & Draft Report


​​Order of Business # 1 - Monday 24 March 2014
​​Order of Business # 2 - Tuesday 25 March 2014
Order of Business # 3 - Wednesday 26 March 2014

​Order of Business # 4 - Thursday 27 March 2014
​Order of Business # 5 - Friday 28 March 2014
​Final Report - Presented by the Secretariat


Discussion Papers

​DP/013.3​​ANI/WG Revised Progress Report - Presented by the Task Force Rapporteur

DP/02​3.3​ANI/WG PBN Task Force Progress Report - Presented by the Task Force Rapporteur

​DP/03​3.3​ANI/WG AIDC Task Force Progress Report - Presented by the Task Force Rapporteur
DP/05​3.3​ANI/WG ATS Message Handling System (AMHS) Implementation Task Force Progress Report - Complementary Discussions - Presented by the Task Force Rapporteur
ND/06​3.3​Reporte del Trabajo en Grupo Realizado por el Grupo de Tarea ADS-B Durante la Reunión NACC/WG/4 - Available only in Spanish -  Presentado por el Relator del Grupo de Tarea​​
DP/07​3.3​ANI/WG Operational Analysis of the GOLD Document Version 2 Task Force Discussion Results
​--​--​NAM/CAR Regional Performance-Based Air Navigation Implementation Plan (RPBANIP) - Revisions proposed by the NACC/WG/4 Meeting

General Documentation


Save the Date Letter​
Invitation Letter​
Registration Form
Guide for the completion of ICAO Fellowship Nomination Form​
​General Information
​Group Photo

 Working Papers  

#​Item​Title​Date Language
WP/01​1Provisional Agenda and Schedule of the First NAM/CAR Air Navigation Implementation Working Group Meeting, (Presented by the Secretariat)



WP/02​2.1​Valid Conclusions/Decisions from previous NACC/WG Meetings, (Presented by the Secretariat)24/02/14
WP/03​2.1​Review to valid Conclusions/Decisions from the First NAM/CAR Air Navigation Implementation Working Group (ANI/WG/1) Meeting (Presented by the ANI/WG Chairman)06/03/14



​3.3​ANI/WG Air Traffic Services Inter-Facility Data Communication (AIDC) Task Force Progress Report (Presented by the the ANI/WG AIDC Task Force Rapporteur)17/03/14​
WP/05​2.2CAR/SAM Regional Planning and Implementation Group (GREPECAS) outstanding Conclusions and Project implementation, (Presented by the Secretariat)​31/01/14
WP/06​2.3​Actions in the resolution of the Air Navigation Deficiencies reported in the GREPECAS Air Navigation Deficiencies Database (GANDD) (Presented by the Secretariat)18/03/14​
WP/07​3.2​NAM/CAR Regional Performance-Based Air Navigation Implementation Plan (NAM/CAR RPBANIP) Version 3.0  (Presented by the Secretariat)19/02/14
WP/083.3​​ANI/WG Progress Report, (Presented by ANI/WG Chairman) ​20/03/14
WP/09​3.3​Progress Report of Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) Task Force (Presented by the Secretariat)​20/03/14
WP/10​​​3.3​ANI/WG Operational analysis of the Gold Document Version 2 Task Force progress Report - ​(Presented by the ANI/WG Gold Task Force Rapporteur)05/03/14
WP/11​3.3​AGA Progress Report (Presented by the Secretariat)​07/03/14
WP/12​3.3MET Progress and Improvements in the Region  (Presented by the Secretariat)14/03/14​
WP/13​3.4​CAR/DCA/OPSAN Meeting outcome (Presented by the Secretariat)​26/02/14
WP/14​3.3​ANI/WG ATS Message Handling System (AMHS) Implementation Task Force progress Report (Presented by the ANI/WG AMHS Task Force Rapporteur)05/03/14
WP/153.5.1​​Review of Air Navigation performance Indicators and Metrics/ICAO regional performance dashboard (Presented by the Secretariat)24/02/14
WP/16​3.5.2​Implementation monitoring through the ICAO Air Navigation Report Form (ANRF) (Presented by the Secretariat)17/03/14​​
WP/17​3.5.3​Annual Global Air Navigation Report (Presented by the Secretariat)26/02/14​
WP/18​4.1​ICAO Technical Cooperation Project– Implementation of Performance-Based Air Navigation Systems for the CAR Region (RLA/09/801) – A tool for streamlining Air Navigation Implementation (Presented by the Secretariat)21/01/14
WP/19​4.2.1​CAR Region Civil Aviation Training; ICAO Next Generation Of Aviation Professionals (NGAP) and TRAINAIR Plus (Presented by the Secretariat)21/01/14​​
WP/20​4.2.2​Results of the first Meeting of Civil Aviation Training Centres of the NAM/CAR Regions (NAM/CAR/CATC/1) and the creation of the Working Group on Training (Presented by the Secretariat)17/01/14
WP/21​​5​Review of the Terms and reference (ToRs) and Work Programme of the NACC/WG (Presented by the Secretariat)28/02/14
WP/22​​6.1​​Host and dates for the next NACC/WG Meeting (Presented by the Secretariat)05/03/14
WP/23​3.2​Progress on the implementation of PBN Air space concept  (Presented by the Secretariat)20/03/14​
WP/24​3.2​Regional ATS Contingency Continuous Planning (Presented by the Secretariat)07/03/14
WP/25​3.2​Implementation of Strategic Lateral Offset Procedures (SLOP) in Oceanic and remote Continental Airspace of NAM/CAR Regions (Presented by the Secretariat)​14/03/14
WP/263.2​​Large Height Deviations (LHD) and ATS incidents reports associated with the RVSM Implementation  (Presented by the Secretariat)18/03/14​
WP/27​3.3​ANI/WG PBN Implementation Task Force progress Report (Presented by the ANIWG PBN Task Force Rapporteur)05/03/14​
WP/28​3.3​Destination alternate aerodrome filling exception (Presented by IATA)​21/03/14
WP/293.3​​ANI/WG ATFM implementation Task Force progress Report (Presented by the ANI/WG ATFM Task Force Rapporteur)​19/03/14
WP/30​3.2​Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) development (Presented by the Secretariat)​20/03/14
WP/31​3.2​AIM implementation (Presented by the Secretariat)20/03/14​
WP/32​3.2​The ICAO position for the Onternational Telecommunication Union (ITU) World Radiocommunication Conference (2015) (WRC 15) and updates on Frequency Alignment Lists (Presented by the Secretariat)14/03/14​
WP/33​​3.3​ANI/WG ADS-B Task Force Progress Report (Presented by the ANI/WG ADS-B Task Force Rapporteur)05/03/14
WP/34​3.5.2​ICAO Fuel Savings Estimation Tool (IFSET) (Presented by the Secretariat)06/03/14
WP/35​3.3​Canadian Automatic Dependent Surveillance — Broadcast (ADS-B) Implementation and planning (Presented by Canada)17/03/14​​
WP/36​3.3​FPL errors/Duplication (Presented by IATA)​19/03/14


Information Paper

IP/01​1​List of Working, Information Papers and Presentations (Presented by the Secretariat)​21/03/14

​IP/02​2.1​Valid and relevant Conclusions of the NACC/DCA and subregional DCA Meetings (Presented by the Secretariat)​27/02/14
​IP/03​3.1​ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan (Presented by the Secretariat)11/02/14​
IP/04​3.1​The evolution of Electronic Tools and Data: A strategic plan for the creation of a Community-driven decision-support digital environment for the global Aviation community  (Presented by the Secretariat)03/03/14
​IP/05​3.1​Implementation of ICAO Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBUs) Methodology  (Presented by the Secretariat)​18/03/14
IP​/06​3.1​Latest Air Navigation and ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices Amendments (Presented by the Secretariat)​07/03/14
​IP/07​2.1​Revision to Valid Conclusions/Decisions from the E/CAR/CATG/1 Meeting (Presented by E/CAR/CATG Chairman)10/03/14​​
​IP/08​4.1​Progress of the RLA/03/902 Project - "Transition to GNSS/SBAS in the CAR/SAM Regions - SACCSA - Phase III (Presented by the Secretariat)​11/02/14

NI/09​​3.5.4​Proyecto del Plan de Navegación Aérea de la República de Cuba – Available only in Spanish  (Presented by Cuba)06/03/14
​IP/10​3.3​Consolidation of Inter-Regional Interface Control Document (Presented by United States)​04/03/14
​IP/113.3​​​Implementing Automated Data Exchange within the North American, Central American and Caribbean (NACC) Region (Presented by United States)04/03/14​
IP/12​3.3​​​ADS-B trials in the Central America FIR (Presented by COCESNA)



IP/13​3.3​ADSC/CPDLC implementation in the Central America FIR (Presented by COCESNA)07/03/14​​
​IP/14​3.3​OLDI and AIDC Implementation in the Central America FIR (Presented by COCESNA)​07/03/14
​IP/153.3​​IP Network implementation in COCESNA (Presented by COCESNA)07/03/14​
​IP/16​3.3​ATFM progress in Central America (Presented by COCESNA)​07/03/14
​IP/17​3.3​The MEVA III Network  (Presented by MEVA TMG Rapporteur)05/03/14​​
NI/18​3.3​Avances en la Implantación de la PBN – Available only in Spanish  (Presented by Cuba)05/03/14​
NI/193.3​​Avances en la aplicación de la Hoja de Ruta AIM – Available only in Spanish  (Presented by Cuba)​06/13/14
IP/20​3.3​Progress Report of the ECAR/NTG: E/CAR AFS :Network Improvements and Radar Data Sharing Implementation  (Presented by E/CAR/NTG Rapporteur)​03/03/14
IP/21​3.3​AIM Transition advance (Presented by COCESNA)07/03/14​​
​IP/223.3​​PBN advance in COCESNA (Presented by COCESNA)​07/03/14
IP/23​3.3​E/CAR/CATG Progress Report (Presented by E/CAR/CATG Chairman)10/03/14​
NI/24​3.3​Información suministrada por la República de Cuba en apoyo al Taller que sobre la Coordinación entre los servicios ATM, AIM y MET se organiza para el mes de agosto de 2014 Available only in Spanish (Presented by Cuba)​13/03/14
​NI/25​3.3​Avances y desafíos en el cumplimiento a las metas MET del Plan de implementación de la navegación aérea basado en el desempeño de la República de Cuba, Available only in Spanish (Presented by Cuba)​13/03/14
NI/26​3.3​Avances de Cuba en la implantación del AMHS Available only in Spanish (Presented by Cuba)13/03/14​​
IP/27​​3.5.4​Status of United States implementation of the Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBU) Block 0 Modules (Presented by United States)​17/03/14
IP/28​3.3​Flight planning Quality improvement initiative in the North American, Central American and Caribbean Region (Presented by United States)17/03/14​​
​IP/29​3.3​Planned Operational enhancements between New York, Santa Maria, and PIARCO Centers (Presented by United States)​17/03/14
IP/​30​3.3​Gulf of Mexico Route redesign and Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B): Stakeholder Benefits gained (Presented by United States)17/03/14​​
IP​/31​​3.3​Implementation of 30 Nautical mile Longitudinal and Lateral separation in the New York Oceanic FIR (Presented by United States)​17/03/14
IP/32​​3.1​Update on the Mini-global Demonstration (Presented by United States) 17/03/14​​
IP/33​3.3​Miami Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) – Santa Domingo Area Control Centre (ACC) - ATS Automated Data Exchange Implementation in the North American, Central American and Caribbean Region (Presented by United States) ​05/03/14

​Canadian PBN Implementation and Planning (Presented by Canada) 

Performance-based Navigation (PBN) Operations Plan Version 1.1


​Canadian Implementation of CPDLC and ADS-C (Presented by Canada)

IP/36​​6​Transport Canada and NAV CANADA - Collaborative Safety
Management Available only in English  (Presented by Canada)
IP/37​2.3​Reduction of Air Navigation Deficiencies within the Port-Au-Prince FIR Available only in English (Presented by Haiti) ​7/03/14​
IP/38​​3.3​PBN implementation progress within the Haitian Airspace (Presented by Haiti) 17/03/14​
​IP/393.3​​Resultados del monitoreo 14 meses posteriores a la Implementación del Nuevo formulario de plan de vuelo OACI - Available only in Spanish (Presented by Cuba) ​18/03/14
IP/40​3.5.4​Avances en la implementación de la Metodología de Mejoras por Bloques de la Aviación en Cuba  - Available only in Spanish (Presented by Cuba) ​20/03/14
IP/41​3.5.4​Plan nacional de Navegación Aérea Costa Rica (CRANIP) Available only in Spanish (Presented by Costa Rica) ​20/03/14



​P/01​3.1​ICAO Data Tool Applications and Data Bases - Available only in English  (Presented by the Secretariat)​14/03/14
P/0​2​3.3​JetBlue GOMEX ADS-B Test Route Benefits´Assessment Review- Available only in English  (Presented by United States)​03/02/14
​P/03​6​Collaborative Safety Management Available only in English (Presented by Transport Canada)​21/03/14
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