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By the end of 2013, 71 Member States representing 81.60 per cent of the total international revenue tonne-kilometres (RTK) had prepared and submitted Action Plans to ICAO, featuring a wide range of measures (see graph, below) to address the CO2 emissions from international aviation.
States’ Action Plan Measures to Address CO2 Emissions from International Aviation
In May 2013, ICAO organized a seminar on the development of States’ Action Plans, the review of data and the implementation of measures selected by States in their Action Plans. The seminar was attended by 76 participants and was directed at National Focal Points for States’ Action Plans and stakeholders participating in a State Action Plan team.
In addition, ICAO worked directly with individual States and national focal points to provide tailored, individual assistance to facilitate the preparation of Action Plans. Since January 2013, this work has included over 40 face-to-face meetings on the development of States’ Action Plans with the National Focal Points as side meetings held on the site of different events (ATConf, CAEP 9, Green Symposium, 38th Session of the Assembly). In addition, assistance has been provided through conference calls with National Focal Points to identify and respond to specific requests from States.
The 38th Session of the Assembly acknowledged the successful outcome of the Organization’s initiatives with respect to the preparation and submission of States’ Action Plans on aviation CO2 emissions reduction activities. It encouraged Member States to voluntarily submit more complete and robust data in their Action Plans to facilitate the compilation of global emissions data by ICAO, and to make their Action Plans publically available. It also encouraged the partnerships among ICAO, States and other organizations to support the preparation of Action Plans, and emphasized the need for the Secretariat to provide further guidance and other technical assistance.
In this regard, it was decided to refine the document Guidance on the Development of States’ Action Plans on CO2 Emissions Reduction Activities (Doc 9988) with the support of CAEP experts, building upon the experience acquired and taking into account the comments and suggestions received.