ICAO implementation support actions
Aviation security – Restart Risk Assessment Checklist
The aviation industry is facing challenges associated with resuming operations. To help States and industry stakeholders to assess the impact of scaling up operations following the pandemic and identify and address associated risks, the ICAO Secretariat, in collaboration with the Aviation Security Panel, has developed and published a risk assessment checklist. The checklist addresses areas such as personnel security, training, equipment, screening processes and the implementation of a wide range of aviation security measures, as mandated by Annex 17 — Security to the Convention on International Civil Aviation and relevant national requirements.
ICAO Implementation Packages (iPacks)
In response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, including the provision of urgent in-country support, ICAO has designed and implemented innovative methods for providing technical assistance to States. The Technical Cooperation Bureau (TCB), in cooperation with the Air Navigation Bureau (ANB), the Air Transport Bureau (ATB) and the Regional Offices, has developed
ICAO Implementation Packages (iPacks) that are provided to States virtually. An iPack is a bundle of standardized guidance materials, training, tools and virtual expert support aimed at facilitating and guiding the implementation of ICAO provisions by State entities (including governments, Civil Aviation Authorities (CAAs) and national Air Transport Facilitation Committees), aviation service providers, supply chain stakeholders and their personnel. The purpose of the iPacks is to support Member States in addressing the various needs related to the movement of goods and the health of passengers during the pandemic, taking into consideration public health measures, facilitation and aviation security, aviation safety, risk management and air transport economics.
In 2021, nine iPacks on
aviation safety risk management related to COVID-19 for CAAs were completed, while an additional four were deployed, and six iPacks on
aerodrome restart operations were completed, while an additional 10 were deployed.
In addition, the following iPacks were developed:
Establishing a Public Health Corridor
Establishing a Regulatory Framework for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
Developing a National Aviation Safety Plan (NASP)
Preparing for ICAO USOAP CMA Activities
Since the launch of the public health corridor iPack in July 2021, 12 iPacks were deployed. In addition, plans are being finalized to deploy 15 iPacks on developing a National Aviation Safety Plan, four iPacks on preparing for ICAO USOAP-CMA activities, and seven iPacks on establishing a regulatory framework for unmanned aircraft systems (UAS).
COVID-19 Response and Recovery Implementation Centre (CRRIC)
In 2021, an application was developed to provide an overview of States’ COVID-19 response and recovery activities. The application indicates whether States have updated the Gap Analysis or Public Health Measures application within the previous week, and allows Member States and other stakeholders to share information on their implementation activities in support of Council Aviation Recovery Task Force (CART) recommendations by providing documents and links.