36th Session of the Legal Committee
Study of legal issues relating to remotely piloted aircraft systems
Consideration of guidance on conflicts of interest in civil aviation
Promotion of international air law instruments
Safety aspects of economic liberalization and Article 83 bis
Special Group relating to conflict zones
Strategic Planning Group (SPG)
International interests in mobile equipment (aircraft equipment)
International Interests in Mobile Equipment (Aircraft Equipment)
On behalf of the Council in its capacity as the Supervisory Authority of the International Registry, the Secretariat continued to monitor the operation of the Registry to ensure that it functions efficiently in accordance with Article 17 of the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment (Cape Town Convention).
As the third three-year term of appointment of the Commission of Experts of the Supervisory Authority of the International Registry (CESAIR) came to an end during July, the Council, pursuant to nominations/re-nominations received from Contracting and Signatory States to the Cape Town Convention and the Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Aircraft Equipment (Cape Town Protocol), appointed/re-appointed 13 members to the Commission.
The seventh meeting of CESAIR took place in December at ICAO Headquarters. The primary purpose of the meeting was to consider changes proposed by the Registrar to the Regulations and Procedures for the International Registry (Doc 9864) and to make recommendations thereon to the Council. As at 31 December, there were 71 ratifications and accessions to the Cape Town Convention and 63 ratifications and accessions to the Cape Town Protocol.