Corporate Performance
During 2017, the Organization made significant progress in implementing a results-based management process. The ICAO Business Plan for this triennium is key to this transformational process. The Business Plan provides the framework and roadmap to implementing a results-based management approach that integrates strategy, resources, processes and measurement to improve decision-making, transparency and accountability.
The Business Plan includes processes to review emerging aviation issues, assess internal and external risk factors and establish mitigation measures to reduce the impact of risks. The ICAO Risk Register is now an integral part of the Organization’s performance management framework. Risks are assessed on a continuous basis, and risk mitigation measures are taken as necessary to reduce the impact of new or changing risks. Any changes to the risk register (newly identified risks, changes to risks or their associated mitigation measures) are now reported to each Session of the Council.
During 2017, the Council also approved Corporate Key Performance Indicators (CKPIs) as an integral part of the Organization’s business planning process. The CKPIs constitute the highest level of desired outcomes outlined in the ICAO Business Plan and are intended to measure both ICAO’s internal performance and efficiency with respect to core supporting strategies, as well as ICAO’s effectiveness in terms of safety, air navigation capacity and efficiency, security and facilitation, the economic development of air transport and environmental protection. There are three CKPIs identified for each Strategic Objective. The first reflects the status of global aviation for the respective Strategic Objective, and the remaining two CKPIs reflect the work of ICAO towards improving global aviation for the respective Strategic Objective. Although these indicators are not systematically and directly controlled by ICAO, they provide a good indication of whether ICAO is “doing the right things” for international civil aviation. The results of the performance measurement relative to the CKPIs will be made available to the Council on a yearly basis and will provide an important tool for the Organization to adjust its work programmes based upon system performance. The Business Plan now provides the framework, processes, clarity and transparency necessary to implement all elements of an organization-wide corporate performance management system.
The Corporate Management and Reporting Tool (CMRT) became operational in 2017. The CMRT is a web-based system developed to manage the Business Plan and to report on the progress of implementation of the Plan. It was designed to serve both the Council and the Secretariat. The CMRT contains all relevant information pertaining to organization-wide performance including the corporate risk register, performance measurements related to CKPIs, programmatic status and the progress made in implementing Council Decisions and Assembly Decisions and Resolutions.