Gender Equality
ICAO’s Gender Equality Programme has four main objectives for effective implementation:
- build capacity and enhance awareness for gender equality;
- enhance gender representation;
- increase awareness and accountability; and
- further engagement with external associates.
To facilitate planning, monitoring and reporting, the action plan has been subdivided into specific topics, covering a broad spectrum of activities including: gender architecture and oversight, human resources, capacity building, training, communications, equal participation of women in ICAO activities, gender responsive data, organizational culture, networking, role models and mentoring, funding and partnerships and events to raise awareness for gender equality.
The actions are broad in scope; some specific to ICAO, others focused on Member States, government and policymakers and some directed towards the role of the aviation industry. The overall perspective is that a coordinated effort at a global level is necessary for the aviation sector to successfully implement the Gender Equality Programme and that remains a global responsibility.
Aviation Gender Equality Statistics
For the purpose of collecting and analysing statistics on personnel in civil aviation globally, the Secretariat is working to amend the States’ reporting forms to include gender disaggregated data. During the last meeting of the Aviation Data and Analysis Panel (ADAP/2), the Secretariat proposed a new ICAO Air Transport Reporting Form, G1 – Employment Statistics of Aviation Licensed Personnel by Gender, to collect data on aviation licensed personnel (pilots, maintenance personnel and air traffic controllers) segmented by gender and age.
ICAO has consulted other United Nations bodies (including the International Labour Organization) on the collection of gender data and is refining the proposed form. Additionally, ICAO conducted a survey on the number of licensed aviation personnel by gender through a State letter and the results will be announced during the appropriate ICAO forums.
Gender-Related Events and Activities
Outreach efforts were increased in 2018 with the aim of expanding the number of qualified female candidates to Professional and higher categories, as well as creating greater awareness and visibility for ICAO as an employer of choice for women. Outreach efforts need to be sustained and strategically enhanced in the years to come, with continued support from Member States and the global aviation industry.
Communications and social media undertakings at ICAO have also been enhanced in support of outreach efforts with a focus on the dissemination of vacancy announcements, relevant events, overall gender awareness in aviation and other related activities.
ICAO has established Gender Focal Points who will work directly with all Bureaus/Offices at Headquarters and Regional Offices, in order to promote the mainstreaming of gender equality throughout the Organization.
International Women’s Day was held on 8 March 2018, with the theme of “Equality in the Aviation Sector – Pressing for Progress”. This was a collaborative event between ICAO, the International Air Transport Association (IATA), Airport Council International (ACI) and Air Canada. An open discussion with staff attending from these organizations was held at ICAO Headquarters in Montréal and livestreamed to the ICAO Regional Offices. The event featured female leaders from the respective organizations who each provided a unique insight into equality in the aviation sector.
In April 2018, the International Aviation Womens Association (IAWA) held a “Connect” meeting in Montréal with guest speaker, the Right Honourable Governor General, Ms. Julie Payette, who spoke to an audience from ICAO, IATA, ACI and ICAO Council Members (also IAWA Members), about her career journey, highlighting her experiences as a NASA astronaut.
The Secretariat participated in the Women’s Forum Canada Conference “Bridging the gap: A call to the G7 for inclusive progress” in May 2018. This conference took an analytical approach to global gender issues. Through the participation and input of approximately 700 business, institutional and political senior leaders from the G7 countries, a manifesto was drafted and submitted by the Women’s Forum for the Economy and Society to the G7 Summit 2018. This manifesto emphasizes those policies and practices which will bring about change in creating greater equality and empowerment for women resulting in a stronger, safer and more inclusive world.
The inaugural Global Aviation Gender Summit, a joint initiative between the South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) and ICAO, was hosted by SACAA, supported by the Government of South Africa, through the Department of Transport, in collaboration with UNESCO and supported by UN Women. Noted as a very successful event with over 500 participants in attendance and 2 000 watching the livestream. Attendees came from a variety of disciplines, including: private (industry leaders), public (State and government representatives), academia, aviation sector, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and gender experts. The two-and-a-half day event has been applauded for its results-oriented approach and the concrete action items drafted into a Communiqué.